Virtual ACM/SPEC ICPE 2022 with more than 370 registrations

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 00:00
Over 370 registrations from industry and academia: the 13th ACM/SPEC ICPE 2022 was held virtually
The research track attracted 38 submissions, 9 of which were selected as full articles after a rigorous review process, yielding an acceptance ratio of 23%. There were also 4 articles accepted as short articles. Of the 20 submissions to the Industry Track, 9 were accepted, of which 5 as full articles. 4 papers of the research and industry tracks were able to achieve ACM artifact badges. The Work-in-Progress and Vision Track received 6 submissions of which 2 were accepted. For the first time, ICPE features a Data Challenge with four accepted short papers. 6 tutorials have been proposed out of which 3 were selected to complement the program. Furthermore, 7 demonstrations and posters were scheduled for an interactive session.
The following workshops were held in connection with the ICPE 2022:
- The Tenth International Workshop on Load Testing and Benchmarking of Software Systems (LTB 2022)
- The Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf-2022)
- The Second Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent Systems (PECS 2022)
- The First International Workshop on Performance Data Analytics and Data-Management (PANDA 2022)
- The First International Workshop on Information Technology Storage Management Specification (ITSMS 2022)
- The Seventh Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development (WOSPC 2022)
The following distinguished speakers gave keynotes at ICPE 2022:
- Ivona Brandic, Professor for High Performance Computing Systems, TU Wien on Data Science Driven Methods for Sustainable and Failure Tolerant Edge Systems
- John Wilkes, Google on Building warehouse-scale computers
- Longxiang Li, Inspur on Performance Optimization of HPC Applications in Large-Scale Cluster Systems
With the pandemic, the original planned face-to-face ICPE in Beijing was not possible. All authors were offered the opportunity to provide video presentations and slides to the community complemented by focused discussion threads. Virtual sessions via teleconference have been planned instead, complemented by talk and session recordings: ICPE Youtube Channel
The detailed program can be found at the ICPE 2022 website
During the conference, the following awards were announced:
Best Paper Awards:
Research Track
- Best Paper: Richard Li; Min Du; Zheng Wang; Hyunseok Chang; Sarit Mukherjee; Eric Eide “LongTale: Toward Automatic Performance Anomaly Explanation in Microservices” Link, Video
- Runner Up: Chuanming Shao; Jinyang Guo; Pengyu Wang; Jing Wang; Chao Li; Minyi Guo “Oversubscribing GPU Unified Virtual Memory: Implications and Suggestions” Link, Video
Industry/Experience Track
- Best Industry Paper: Lixiang Luo; I-Hsin Chung; Seetharami Seelam; Ming-hung Chen; Yun Joon Soh “NVMe Virtualization for Cloud Virtual Machines” Link, Video
- Runners Up: Martin Straesser; Johannes Grohmann; Jóakim von Kistowski; Simon Eismann; André Bauer; Samuel Kounev “Why Is It Not Solved Yet?: Challenges for Production-Ready Autoscaling” Link, Video
10-year Most Influential Paper Award
- Sadeka Islam; Kevin Lee; Alan Feke; Anna Lui “How a consumer can measure elasticity for cloud platforms” Link, Video
Best Reviewers
- Research Track (Senior PC Member): Lubomír Bulej (Charles University, Prague)
- Research Track (New PC Member): Christoph Laaber (Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo)
- Industry/Experience Track: Raphael Eidenbenz (Hitachi ABB Power Grids Research)
- Industry/Experience Track (Junior Reviewer): Ankit Chouksey (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
Next ICPE 2023
The next ICPE conference will be held from April 15-19, 2023 in Coimbra, Portugal. Visit the website at to find the important submission deadlines for papers, posters, tutorials and workshop proposals.