Winner of SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award 2019

Monday, January 6, 2020 13:40
Guanpeng Li from University of British Columbia: Understanding and modeling error propagation in programs
International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) in Canada in April 2020
- Danilo Ardagna (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- Lucy Cherkasova (ARM Research, USA)
- William Knottenbelt (Imperial College, UK)
- Ningfang Mi (Northeastern University, USA)
- Dorina Petriu (Carleton University, Canada)
- Ramya Raghavendra (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
The SPEC Distinguished Dissertation Award was established in 2011 to recognize outstanding dissertations within the scope of the SPEC Research Group. Contributions of interest span the design of metrics for system evaluation as well as the development of methodologies, techniques and tools for measurement, load testing, profiling, workload characterization, dependability and efficiency evaluation of computing systems. Dissertations defended between October 2019 and September 2020 will be eligible to be nominated for the 2020 award.