Over 130 Attendees at ICPE 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014 04:00
Participants from industry and academia attended ICPE 2014 in Dublin, Ireland. RG members recognized as co-authors of best paper award.
Over 130 participants from industry and academia attended the 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2014) in Dublin, Ireland. The technical program included 14 full research papers, 2 short papers, 7 industrial/experience papers, and 6 work-in-progress papers selected from 100 submissions over all tracks (paper acceptance rate 27%). The conference also featured 3 keynotes, 20 poster/demo presentations, and 6 tutorials.
As usual, the best research and industry papers were awarded. Like last year, the best paper candidates were announced before in the program and presented their work in dedicated slots. For the first time, the presentation has been taken into account for the final decision: all participants attending the candidate talks were asked to evaluate the talks based on a questionnaire. The winners of the best papers include members of SPEC RG, they are:
- Best Research paper:http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2568088.2568097
- Best Industry/experience paper: Jianbin Fang, Henk Sips, LiLun Zhang, Chuanfu Xu, Yonggang Che, Ana Lucia Varbanescu. Test-driving Intel Xeon Phi. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2568088.2576799
The conference co-located two workshops, International Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud service Scalability (HotTopiCS 2014)International Workshop on Large Scale Testing (LT 2014)January 31 to February 4, 2015 in Austin, Texas, USA. Visit the web site icpe2015.ipd.kit.edu to find the important dates. Note that given the earlier conference date, the first submission deadline for research papers will be in July.