Member Organizations
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) * Amazon Web Services * Apple Inc. * ARM * Artificial Intelligence and Systems Laboratory (AISys) @ University of South Carolina * BEZNext * Chalmers University of Technology * Charles University * Cisco Systems * Concordia University * DATEV eG * Dell Inc. * Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) * eSulabSolutions, Inc. * ForTISS -- An-Institut der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen * Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg * Harokopio University of Athens * Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) * IBM * Imperial College * Inspur * Intel Corporation * Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) * Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) * Kiel University * Linkoping University * Malardalen University * Microsoft Corporation * MongoDB, Inc. * NovaTec Consulting GmbH * Oracle Corporation * Polytechnique Montréal * Queen's University * Red Hat, Inc * RETIT GmbH * RWTH Aachen University * * San Francisco State University * SINTEF ICT * Software Performance and Scalability Consulting LLC * South China University of Technology * Staff & Contractors * Stiftung University of Hildesheim * Taobao (China) Software Co. Ltd. * Technische Universitat Darmstadt * Technische Universitat Dresden, ZIH * Telecommunications Technology Association * The MITRE Corporation * Ulm University * Universitat of Paderborn * University of Alberta * University of Basel * University of Calgary * University of California at Berkeley * University of Coimbra * University of Hamburg * University of L'Aquila - Dept of Computer Science and Engineering (DISIM) * University of Lugano * University of Miami * University of Minnesota * University of North Florida * University of Pavia * University of Stuttgart * University of Texas at Austin * University of Würzburg * University Politehnica Timisoara * VMware, Inc. * Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * York University